Results for 'Sofia N. Galicia-Haro'

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  1. Computational Linguistics Research-Corpus-Based Knowledge Acquisition-Web-Based Measurements of Intra-collocational Cohesion in Oxford Collocations Dictionary.Igor A. Bolshakov & Sofia N. Galicia-Haro - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3878--93.
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  2. La Escuela Universalista Española del siglo XVIII: una introducción.Pedro Aullón de Haro - 2016 - Madrid: Sequitur.
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    La sublimidad y lo sublime.Pedro Aullón de Haro - 2007 - Madrid: Editorial Verbum.
    El presente ensayo consiste en una interpretación y reconstrucción histórica y teórica de lo sublime en tanto que alojable en el concepto más general que se establece de sublimidad, al tiempo que una indagación acerca de la constitución de una teoría de lo sublime.
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    Introduction to the Spanish Universalist school: enlightened culture and education versus politics.Pedro Aullón de Haro - 2020 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Davide Mombelli.
    Introduction to the Spanish Universalist School offers a presentation of the main concepts, works and authors of the Spanish Universalist School, formed mostly by ex-Jesuits exiled to Italy at the end of the 18th century. The Universalist School is a Hispanic Enlightenment of great singularity, one that is not political but humanistic and scientific, with a cultural and educational orientation. In their different disciplinary fields, Juan Andrés, Lorenzo Hervás and Antonio Eximeno are the most relevant universalists of a School, whose (...)
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    Teoría del humanismo.Pedro Aullón de Haro (ed.) - 2010 - Madrid: Verbum.
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    Las paradojas del Cristianismo.Lucila Bruno & Sofía N. Lamonega - 2009 - The Chesterton Review En Español 3 (1):155-160.
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    Juan Andrés y la Escuela Universalista Española.Jesús García Gabaldón & Pedro Aullón de Haro (eds.) - 2017 - Madrid: Ediciones Complutense.
  8. Comparing dualities and gauge symmetries.Sebastian De Haro, Nicholas Teh & Jeremy N. Butterfield - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59:68-80.
    We discuss some aspects of the relation between dualities and gauge symmetries. Both of these ideas are of course multi-faceted, and we confine ourselves to making two points. Both points are about dualities in string theory, and both have the ‘flavour’ that two dual theories are ‘closer in content’ than you might think. For both points, we adopt a simple conception of a duality as an ‘isomorphism’ between theories: more precisely, as appropriate bijections between the two theories’ sets of states (...)
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    Double‐donor surrogacy and/or private planned adoption: A conceptual defense for aging societies.Niñoval F. Pacaol, Ehra Mae C. Meniano, Peve Ivanz P. Vero, Shimeah Rhiz A. Monge, Brad Colin S. Cagnan, Richard N. Buro, Ziegfred U. Tamayo, Elieakim G. Baguilod, James Daniel B. Corregidor & Annika Sofia N. Vasquez - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):153-154.
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  10. Conceptual Aspects of Gauge/Gravity Duality.Sebastian De Haro, Daniel R. Mayerson & Jeremy N. Butterfield - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (11):1381-1425.
    We give an introductory review of gauge/gravity duality, and associated ideas of holography, emphasising the conceptual aspects. The opening sections gather the ingredients, viz. anti-de Sitter spacetime, conformal field theory and string theory, that we need for presenting, in Sect. 5, the central and original example: Maldacena’s AdS/CFT correspondence. Sections 6 and 7 develop the ideas of this example, also in applications to condensed matter systems, QCD, and hydrodynamics. Sections 8 and 9 discuss the possible extensions of holographic ideas to (...)
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    Visados dorados para inversores en España y Portugal: residencia a cambio de dinero.Fernando Ampudia de Haro & Sofia Gaspar - 2019 - Arbor 195 (791):495.
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    Introducción a Hannah Arendt.Agustín Serrano de Haro Martínez - 2023 - Barcelona: Gredos.
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    Paseo filosófico en Madrid: introducción a Husserl.Agustín Serrano de Haro Martínez - 2016 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
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    Recognizing the Systemic Root Causes of Moral Distress.Sofia Weiss Goitiandia, Julia K. Axelrod, Teva D. Brender, Jason N. Batten & Elizabeth W. Dzeng - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):29-32.
    In a recent target article, Buchbinder et al. (2024) advance moral stress as a complement to the more familiar, albeit contested, concept of moral distress. They are concerned that moral distress m...
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    Relaciones y fronteras: escritos jurídico-sociales.José María Haro Salvador & Juan Carlos Valderrama Abenza - 2022 - Madrid: CEU Ediciones. Edited by Valderrama Abenza & C. Juan.
    En 1960 ingresaba José María Haro Salvador en la Real Academia Valenciana de Jurisprudencia y Legislación con un discurso titulado «Relaciones y fronteras entre la Caridad y la Justicia». Tomaba cuerpo ahí la experiencia dilatada de un jurista cuya pasión por lo social le había conducido de forma absolutamente natural desde su juventud hacia los problemas jurídicos relacionados con el mundo del trabajo y la promoción social de los obreros. Era en una época, además, marcada por un importante proceso (...)
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  16. Hospital Ethics Committees and Consultants: How Do Clinicians Perceive Their Utility in Resolving Disagreements About Life-Sustaining Treatments?Sofia Weiss Goitiandia, Julia K. Axelrod, Jason N. Batten & Elizabeth Dzeng - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (3):81-85.
    Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2025, Page 81-85.
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    Arendt y España.Agustín Serrano de Haro Martínez - 2023 - [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Husserl.Agustín Serrano de Haro Martínez (ed.) - 2021 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    La sabiduría moral cristiana: la renovación de la moral, a veinte años del Concilio.Ramón García de Haro & Ignacio de Celaya - 1986 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Ignacio de Celaya.
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    La descolonización cultural de América Latina: antología de una polémica filosófica.Pasquale Sofia (ed.) - 2013 - [Maracaibo, Venezuela]: Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta.
  21. La descolonización cultural de América Latina.Pasquale Sofia - 2013 - In La descolonización cultural de América Latina: antología de una polémica filosófica. [Maracaibo, Venezuela]: Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta.
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    El deber gozoso de filosofar: homenaje a Miguel García-Baró.Miguel García-Baró & Agustín Serrano de Haro Martínez (eds.) - 2018 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme.
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    La materia e il vuoto: una nuova lettura della úle tõn gignoménon di Plotino.Sofia Mattei - 2004 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo.
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    How patients experience respect in healthcare: findings from a qualitative study among multicultural women living with HIV.Sofia B. Fernandez, Alya Ahmad, Mary Catherine Beach, Melissa K. Ward, Michele Jean-Gilles, Gladys Ibañez, Robert Ladner & Mary Jo Trepka - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Respect is essential to providing high quality healthcare, particularly for groups that are historically marginalized and stigmatized. While ethical principles taught to health professionals focus on patient autonomy as the object of respect for persons, limited studies explore patients’ views of respect. The purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of a multiculturally diverse group of low-income women living with HIV (WLH) regarding their experience of respect from their medical physicians. Methods We analyzed 57 semi-structured interviews conducted (...)
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    I want it small or, rather, give me a bunch: the role of evaluative morphology on the assessment of the emotional properties of words.José A. Hinojosa, Juan Haro, Rocío Calvillo-Torres, Lucía González-Arias, Claudia Poch & Pilar Ferré - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1203-1210.
    Evaluative markers of diminution and augmentation typically express quantity or intensity. Prior evidence suggests that they also convey emotions, although it remains unexplored as to whether this function is mediated by their role in expressing quantification/intensification. Here we investigated the effects of evaluative suffixes on the assessment of word affective properties by asking participants (N = 300) to score valence and arousal features for augmentatives, diminutives and base words with negative, positive or neutral valence. Diminutives and, to a lesser extent, (...)
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    Just What I See? Implications of Congruence Between Supervisors’ and Employees’ Perceptions of Pay Justice for Employees’ Work-Related Attitudes and Behaviors.Sofia Malmrud, Helena Falkenberg, Constanze Eib, Johnny Hellgren & Magnus Sverke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Perceiving a pay system as just has been suggested to be a precondition for individualized pay to have a motivating effect for employees. Supervisors’ enacted justice is central for understanding the effects that pay setting can have on employee attitudes and behavior. Yet, enacted justice has received little research attention, in regard to both organizational justice and pay-related topics. This study examines the effects of employees’ perceived pay justice and supervisors’ enacted justice, as well as the degree of congruence, on (...)
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    Review of: D. N. Drozdova, O. L. Granovskaia, and A. M. Rutkevich, eds., Perekrestki kul’tur: Aleksandr Koire, Aleksandr Kozhev, Isaiia Berlin [Crossroads of cultures: Alexandre Koyré, Alexandre Kojève, Isaiah Berlin], ROSSPEN, 2021, ISBN 978-5-8243-2425-9, 558 pages, 396 rubles. [REVIEW]Sofia Sorokina - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (1):135-138.
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    L. Alegre Zahonero, E. Pérez Sedeño y N. Sánchez Madrid, Enciclopedia crítica del género, Madrid, Arpa Editores, 2023, 528 pp. [REVIEW]Sofía Alonso Blanco - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):399-402.
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    Fusion Approach: Theory, Contestation, Limits.Vikram Chandra, J. Hillis Miller, Gayatri Chakravorty, Ben Baer, Homi Bhabha, Grant Farred, Paul Jahshan, Bill Ashcroft, Stephen Morton, Dorota Kolodziejczyk, Adam Muller, Claire Chambers, James M. Ivory, David Lorne Macdonald, Sangeeta Ray, Pushpa N. Parekh, Maria Sofia Pimentel Biscaia, David Mesher, Cara Cilano, Dora Sales Salvador, Ryan Mowat, Joanne Trevenna, Amy Lee & Sumana Roy (eds.) - 2006 - Upa.
    fusion theory challenges efforts to see theory as inhibiting by presenting an approach that is innovative, eclectic, and subtle in order to draw out competing and constellating ideas and opinions. This collected volume of essays examines fusion theory and demonstrates how the theory can be applied to the reading of various works of Indian English novelists.
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  30. Em defesa da linguagem pública.Ruth Garrett Milikan, L. N. Igansi, Sofia Stein & Luís Sander - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (3):282-302.
    Em intervalos frequentes ao longo dos anos, o professor Chomsky vituperou tanto contra noções do senso comum quanto contra noções técnicas de linguagem pública ou “linguagem externalizada”, afirmando que elas são confusas, mal definidas ou desprovidas de qualquer interesse científico. Como cientista, ele somente estaria interessado na linguagem pública se ela fosse um “objeto real do mundo real” (Chomsky, 1993, p. 39), e não uma noção “artificial” e “arbitrária” (Chomsky, 1985, p. 26). Proponho articular tal noção de linguagem pública para (...)
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    Esoterismo. Giornata di studi intorno al volume 25 degli Annali della Storia d’Italia Einaudi.Carolina Castellano, Francesca Sofia, Luisa Simonutti, Maria Conforti, Maurizio Cambi, Silvia Caianiello & Gian Mario Cazzaniga - unknown
    [Esotericism. One-day Workshop about the Annale n. 25 of the Storia d'Italia Einaudi]. This section contains the proceedings of the one-day workshop on the book Esoterismo, published as the Annale n. 25 in the collection "History of Italy" by Einaudi. The workshop was organized by ISPF on the October 26, 2011 to promote the discussion on the significance of Western esotericist traditions in Italian history. S. Caianiello’s introduction highlights some major concepts and goals of the recent field of studies about (...)
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    Promoting Third Graders’ Executive Functions and Literacy: A Pilot Study Examining the Benefits of Mindfulness vs. Relaxation Training.Carolina Cordeiro, Sofia Magalhães, Renata Rocha, Ana Mesquita, Thierry Olive, São Luís Castro & Teresa Limpo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:643794.
    Research suggested that developing mindfulness skills in children improves proximal outcomes, such as attention and executive functions, as well as distal outcomes, such as academic achievement. Despite empirical evidence supporting this claim, research on the benefits of mindfulness training in child populations is scarce, with some mixed findings in the field. Here, we aimed to fill in this gap, by examining the effects of a mindfulness training on third graders’ proximal and distal outcomes, namely, attention and executive functions (viz., inhibitory (...)
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    Influence of Mental Training of Attentional Control on Autonomic Arousal Within the Framework of the Temporal Preparation of a Force Task.Souhir Ezzedini, Sofia Ben Jebara, Malek Abidi & Giovanni de Marco - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13391.
    While temporal preparation has frequently been examined through the manipulation of foreperiods, the role of force level during temporal preparation remains underexplored. In our study, we propose to manipulate mental training of attentional control in order to shed light on the role of the force level and autonomic nervous system in the temporal preparation of an action. Forty subjects, divided into mental training group (n = 20) and without mental training group (n = 20), participated in this study. The influence (...)
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    Moral stress and coping: relationship with long-term positive reactions and PTSD indication in military personnel.Gerry Larsson, Sofia Nilsson, Rino Bandlitz Johansen, Gudmund Waaler, Peder Hyllengren & Alicia Ohlsson - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (8):672-683.
    This study investigates the relationship between moral stress reactions and resulting coping efforts in severely morally challenging situations. Long-term positive reactions and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) indicators following morally challenging situations are also studied. The sample consisted of cadets and officers (n = 332) from Norway and Sweden. Long-term positive reactions were found to be associated with limited moral stress reactions during the challenging episode and frequent use of acceptance and positive reappraisal coping strategies. Long-term high scores on a PTSD (...)
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    Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world.Paweł Brzóska, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Jarosław Piotrowski, Bartłomiej Nowak, Peter K. Jonason, Constantine Sedikides, Mladen Adamovic, Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Oli Ahmed, Uzma Azam, Sergiu Bălțătescu, Konstantin Bochaver, Aidos Bolatov, Mario Bonato, Victor Counted, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Sonya Dragova-Koleva, Walaa Labib M. Eldesoki, Carla Sofia Esteves, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Pablo Perez de Leon, Dzintra Iliško, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Fanli Jia, Veljko Jovanović, Tomislav Jukić, Narine Khachatryan, Monika Kovacs, Uri Lifshin, Aitor Larzabal Fernandez, Kadi Liik, Sadia Malik, Chanki Moon, Stephan Muehlbacher, Reza Najafi, Emre Oruç, Joonha Park, Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Rahkman Ardi, Ognjen Ridic, Goran Ridic, Yadgar Ismail Said, Andrej Starc, Delia Stefenel, Kiều Thị Thanh Trà, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Jorge Torres-Marin, Charles S. Umeh, Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Anna Wlodarczyk, Zahir Vally & Illia Yahiiaiev - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):301-326.
    Unfounded—conspiracy and health—beliefs about COVID-19 have accompanied the pandemic worldwide. Here, we examined cross-nationally the structure and correlates of these beliefs with an 8-item scale, using a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. We obtained a two-factor model of unfounded (conspiracy and health) beliefs with good internal structure (average CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.04), but a high correlation between the two factors (average latent factor correlation = 0.57). This model was replicable across 50 countries (total N = 13,579), (...)
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    A blended-learning programme regarding professional ethics in physiotherapy students.Marta Aguilar-Rodríguez, Elena Marques-Sule, Pilar Serra-Añó, Gemma Victoria Espí-López, Lirios Dueñas-Moscardó & Sofía Pérez-Alenda - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1410-1423.
    Background: In the university context, assessing students’ attitude, knowledge and opinions when applying an innovative methodological approach to teach professional ethics becomes fundamental to know if the used approach is enough motivating for students. Research objective: To assess the effect of a blended-learning model, based on professional ethics and related to clinical practices, on physiotherapy students’ attitude, knowledge and opinions towards learning professional ethics. Research design and participants: A simple-blind clinical trial was performed (NLM identifier NCT03241693) (control group, n = (...)
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  37. O krausismo en Galicia e Portugal.Purificación Mayobre Rodríguez - 1994 - Sada, a Coruña: Ediciós do Castro.
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    Working Memory Performance for Differentially Conditioned Stimuli.Richard T. Ward, Salahadin Lotfi, Daniel M. Stout, Sofia Mattson, Han-Joo Lee & Christine L. Larson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous work suggests that threat-related stimuli are stored to a greater degree in working memory compared to neutral stimuli. However, most of this research has focused on stimuli with physically salient threat attributes, failing to account for how a “neutral” stimulus that has acquired threat-related associations through differential aversive conditioning influences working memory. The current study examined how differentially conditioned safe and threat stimuli are stored in working memory relative to a novel, non-associated stimuli. Participants completed a differential fear conditioning (...)
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    Atanasova N. Book review: Gungov A.L. Circularity in the Philosophical Logic of the Continental Tradition : Monograph. Sofia: University Press “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2023. ISBN 978-954-07-5663-9. [REVIEW]Н Атанасова - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):106-110.
    This book analyzes the principle of circularity within logical and philosophical works of leading representatives of the continental tradition: Hegel, Marx, Husserl, and Heidegger. The review pays attention to circularity in everyday life elucidating Marx’s–Mamardashivili’s “converted form” as well as Hegel’s logical movement from less true to really true based on the speculative presupposition. It is also exposed how the constant self-disclosure of Being as aletheia is Dasein’s circular structure of a dynamic teleological transcending towards being-in-the-world and being-with-others. Expressing the (...)
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    La herida de Spinoza: felicidad y política en la vida posmoderna.Vicente Serrano Marín - 2011 - Barcelona: Editorial Anagrama.
    La vida entera de muchos ensayistas transcurre sin dar jamás con un tema. Este ensayo no sólo se topa con un tema, sino que incluso se da el lujo de aprovecharlo. El tema es la felicidad. Sin embargo, La herida de Spinoza es un libro de ?losofía, no de autoayuda. Parte de algunas conclusiones recientes de la neurología, en particular de las investigaciones de Antonio Damasio acerca de la impertinencia de la secular división entre mente y cuerpo. El propio Damasio (...)
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    Luis Xavier LÓPEZ-FARJEAT y Vicente DE HARO: Tras la Crítica Literaria. Hacia una filosofía de la comprensión literaria, Pamplona: Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico (N° 193) 2007, 105 pp. [REVIEW]Roberto Casales - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):205-216.
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  42. New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges.M. Bezpartochnyi, I. Britchenko, O. Bezpartochna, R. Dmuchowski, S. Szmitka, O. Shevchenko, M. Artman, P. Jarosz, V. Kubičková, M. Čukanová, D. Benešová, R. Narkūnienė, R. Bražulienė, T. Németh, M. Hegedűs, M. Borowska, B. Cherniavskyi, R. Vazov, M. Lalakulych, N. Tsenkler, N. Štangová, A. Víghová, P. Havrylko, T. Hushtan, V. Petrenko, A. Karnaushenko, A. Sokolovskа, O. Tymchenko, O. Dragan, L. Tertychna, N. Rybak, R. Pidlypna, M. Kovach, K. Indus, O. Sydorchuk, A. Kolodiychuk, V. Kuranovic, O. Nosachenko, M. Baldzhy, K. Andriushchenko, K. Teteruk, E. Yuhas, L. Rybakova, E. Mikelsone, T. Volkova, A. Spilbergs, E. Liela, J. Frisfelds, M. Kurleto, I. Vlasenko & S. Gyrych (eds.) - 2020 - Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”.
    New trends in the economic systems management in the context of modern global challenges: collective monograph / scientific edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 Vol. // VUZF University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship. – Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2020. – Vol. 1. – 309 p.
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    Ética para Sofia: cartas de un filósofo a su hija.Héctor Sevilla Godínez - 2022 - Barcelona: Editorial Kairós. Edited by González Garza & Ana María.
    Pró logo de Ana Marí a Gonzá lez Garza Tal como lo hizo Aristó teles con Nicó maco, o Savater con Amador, Hé ctor Sevilla ofrece un libro de é tica a Sofí a. No se trata de un conjunto de reglas para vivir de manera moral, sino de una invitació n a reflexionar con libertad. No se necesita ser Sofí a, ser mujer o transitar la adolescencia para encontrar provecho en las ideas vertidas en cada una de las cartas. (...)
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    Book Review SENOR, T. D. A critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Memory. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. [REVIEW]Robson Barcelos, Pamella Cossul & Bruna N. Richter - 2022 - Sofia 11:1-8.
  45. Veritas et sapientia: en el VII centenario de Santo Tomás de Aquino: obra publicada bajo la dirección de Juan J. Rodríguez Rosado y Pedro Rodríguez García. Thomas, Rodríguez Rosado, J. Juan & Pedro Rodríguez (eds.) - 1975 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
    Lakebrink, B. La interpretación existencial del concepto tomista del acto de ser.--Inciarte, F. El problema de la verdad en la filosofía actual y en Santo Tomás.--Millán Puelles, A. El ser y el deber.--Beck, H. Dialéctica materialista y acto de ser tomista.--Pieper, J. La criatura humana.--García López, J. Armonía entre lo natural y lo sobrenatural en Tomás de Aquino.--Gherardini, B. La tradición agustiniana en la síntesis tomista.--Illanes, J. L. La sabiduría teológica.--Clavel, L. La metafísica como instrumento de la ciencia teológica.--García de (...)
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    Ghislain Baury, Les religieuses de Castille. Patronage aristocratique et ordre cistercien, xiie.Constance H. Berman - 2013 - Clio 37.
    Le livre porte sur trois maisons de cisterciennes fondées par la famille des Haro, grands feudataires du royaume de Castille. Ces abbayes ne pouvaient rivaliser en nombre et en puissance avec celle de Las Huelgas, fondée en 1187 par le roi Alphonse VIII et sa femme Eléonore d’Angleterre, qui renfermait plus de cent moniales. Les trois maisons ici étudiées, Cañas, fondée en 1169, Vileña en 1222 et Herce en 1246, n’en hébergeaient qu’entre vingt et vingt-cinq, comme beaucoup d’autres abbayes (...)
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  47. Dualities and emergent gravity: Gauge/gravity duality.Sebastian de Haro - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59:109-125.
    In this paper I develop a framework for relating dualities and emergence: two notions that are close to each other but also exclude one another. I adopt the conception of duality as 'isomorphism', from the physics literature, cashing it out in terms of three conditions. These three conditions prompt two conceptually different ways in which a duality can be modified to make room for emergence; and I argue that this exhausts the possibilities for combining dualities and emergence. I apply this (...)
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    Battlefield Triage.Christopher Bobier & Daniel Hurst - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    Photo ID 222412412 © US Navy Medicine | ABSTRACT In a non-military setting, the answer is clear: it would be unethical to treat someone based on non-medical considerations such as nationality. We argue that Battlefield Triage is a moral tragedy, meaning that it is a situation in which there is no morally blameless decision and that the demands of justice cannot be satisfied. INTRODUCTION Medical resources in an austere environment without quick recourse for resupply or casualty evacuation are often (...)
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  49. On symmetry and duality.Sebastian De Haro & Jeremy Butterfield - 2021 - Synthese 198 (4):2973-3013.
    We advocate an account of dualities between physical theories: the basic idea is that dual theories are isomorphic representations of a common core. We defend and illustrate this account, which we call a Schema, in relation to symmetries. Overall, the account meshes well with standard treatments of symmetries. But the distinction between the common core and the dual theories prompts a distinction between three kinds of symmetry: which we call ‘stipulated’, ‘accidental’ and ‘proper’.
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    Spacetime and Physical Equivalence.Sebastian De Haro - unknown
    In this essay I begin to lay out a conceptual scheme for: analysing dualities as cases of theoretical equivalence; assessing when cases of theoretical equivalence are also cases of physical equivalence. The scheme is applied to gauge/gravity dualities. I expound what I argue to be their contribution to questions about: the nature of spacetime in quantum gravity; broader philosophical and physical discussions of spacetime. - proceed by analysing duality through four contrasts. A duality will be a suitable isomorphism between models: (...)
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